It turns out there is a REST API for kijiji
After watching a short 2 min video, it dawned on me that I can make better use of my time if I pre-planned in detail
With FDM (Fused Deposition Method-printing with a filament) 3D printers there’s always a question about the accuracy or precision of the print. I read a great description of
Calculating power requirements in a spreadsheet. More info HERE.View Post Basic Rotor Spreadsheet v1.3.xls (1) Some great reading on quad design HERE. And HERE.
Looking for info on designing timing belt power transmissions. Some sites I’ve found of interest: The tooth profile of the FT2 and HTD belts
The Turnigy micro quad V2 I bought from hobbyking was great for the first little while. Then with each crash more and more parts of
Editing some video in Sony Vegas Video I noticed that some of the footage has out of sync audio with it. I don’t know where
For projects where ordering parts is a necessity (like from HobbyKing), I should keep track of why I ordered each part and what its intended use will
I notices that when milling a board who’s NC code was generated by Copper CAM, there is an offset between the drilled holes and the
To enable highlighting of surfaces when passing over them with the pointer, Tools>Options Menu, Display>Navigation tab “Preselect in geometry View” and “Prehighlight faces for preselection