I am finally going to do a cloud backup of my system for extra redundancy, and the CrashPlan system seems to be well regarded and
For creating books with images that go off the page, export the file from inDersign as (from the “File > Adobe PDF Presets” menu) PDF/X-1a:2001.
Needing to do some text in CATIA, I came up with this: http://www.engineering.com/CATIACommunity/CATIAForum/view/topic/postid/91/forumid/25/tpage/1.aspx Unfortunately there is no straight forward way to do text withing the
In designing some components I was interested to figure out what the limitations were of the printer, and figure out how it behaves when the
I’ve noticed that the file transfer speeds from my workstation computer have been on the slow side. Today I started doing some file read/write in
I’ve had 3D printing on the brain for the past few weeks for some reason. I’ve been thinking about putting together a kit 3d printer
Looking into finding cheaper services to print my Kinetik Festival photo books I came across CreateSpace. I think at this point of my self publishing