I haven’t seen this info anywhere so I thought I’d collect it. Bitstamp accepts: (need to be verified for all deposits) – SEPA (EU Bank)
For the AF Assist, this may come in handy. http://brunningsoftware.co.uk/FET.htm
Tech: http://cryptomining-blog.com/ News: http://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/ http://www.coindesk.com/ Investing: http://bitcoinbullbear.com/ http://bitcoin.5wanswers.com/bitcoin-trade-bot-videos_cJXH-WcAXao&feature=youtube_gdata_player.html
Just some links to tools for helping with investing BTC and other currencies. https://coinmarketcap.com/ http://www.bitcoincharts.com/ http://coincompare.com/ http://targetmoon.com/ http://bitinfocharts.com/ http://www.crypto-coins-table.com/ http://easybitinvesting.com/ Arbitrage tools http://www.coined.com/ – arbitrage
I may start a mining pool one of these days. Just collecting info on how to set up such a server. https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Quick-Start-Guide http://forum.max-coin.net/index.php/topic,11.0.html
I’ve seen a lot of mining rig cooling solutions out there, but this takes the cake for ingenuity. http://middlecoinforum.com/showthread.php?372-Hashor-s-Cooling-setup-42MH-with-no-AC I will try this in the
http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/5293/dd-with-progress-bar I like the last poster’s answer: (need to install pv) pv -tpreb input_file | dd of=output_file.
I’m going to dedicate 1/2 my computing power to mining MaxCoin. I’ll need to be running SMOS 1.3 as it has implementation of the SHA3
To cycle power remotely, this tool may be quite useful. Now I just have to find out where to get it from. http://www.digital-loggers.com/din.html
BAMT is a great OS, but it has it’s issues. So far only BAMT 1.3 seems to give decent hash rates. Newer versions are slower