Trip Log, day 1 & 2 ; Pinery Provincial Park
Pinery Provincial Park
Day 1 (sunday)
And were off. 10 am departure was nearly on schedule.

The bikes were a new addition to the gear we normally bring camping. A new bike rack that slaps on the back of the car was all what was needed. Than and the fact that both mom and dad bikes needed wheels taking off so they would not interfere with the trailer tongue.
After a stop at my brother’s house for lunch, we proceeded to the Pinery Provincial park.
Arrived at the park and meet with Peter, Louise and they son Danny. After setting up the trailer we were greeted with a platter of cheese, smoked salmon and crackers from Louise.

Then a few drops of rain forced our hand to stop enjoying the good life and put up a tarp so we could all hang out together if it decided to pour. Peter and Louise’s tarp was huge and with the urgency or rain, it got put up in a hurry.
It wasn’t long until the rain started to really come down. The trees were bending under the heavy winds and the rain was blowing sideways. Even under the tarp we were getting soaked. It was quite the storm brewing, and even though it was only 6pm the sky was dark as night.
Time to move indoors.
The girls (Helen, Ella and Louise) along with the two young boys (Danny and Dylan) went into Louise’s trailer. Peter and I into my trailer.
Had a great chat with Peter. He’s the only one I know that has stories that begin with “when I worked in a lab that had as small particle accelerator…”. Coincidentally I also found out from him how a neuron detector works: interesting stuff.
After a couple of hours of chatting, eating nuts and drinking rum with Peter, Helen and Ella came back. It was after 8pm and it was Ella’s bed time … Bed time.
It’s now 21:30 and the forecast calls for lots more rain tonight.
Day 2 (monday)
This morning the air on the campsite is cool. I put on a sweater for warmth and got to work. Eggs, bacon and some roast mushrooms for breakfast with a cup of tea; breakfast of champions. Hung around P & L’s campsite for the morning and talked. They had a fire going so it was a no-brainier where the party was going to be. We didn’t even have wood to burn.
The storm last night took out the power to the campsite so no hot water at the wash house. Helen took E into town to get a few things, but they returned with pictures of lots of fallen trees and downed power lines all over the area. The storm was pretty violent with a small tornado touching down nearby.

The afternoon fared little better then the morning when it came to the temperature. As we didn’t have any wood I took advantage of neighbors fire and spent most of the afternoon there. The temperatures remained on the low side (probably high teens) for the rest of the day. Took the opportunity to meditate by the fire.
The kids had fun running around the camp site and bouncing between trailers. Their excitement grew another notch when the hammocks came out.
As the sun remained hidden, the enegy levels were low around the camp and I lazied around most of the day and did a bunch of Duolingo French lessons.
In the evening I got the last pointer out and put on a show. This thing is always a party pleaser.