I’ve been asked a few times for complete component recommendations in order to build a mining computer, so here’s a list of parts you’d need
As summer is already here and plans are in motion to add more computing power to the small mining farm, i’m working on a better
For the past month, I’ve been putting my crypto currencies to work for me. I’ve been lending BTC, ETH and USD$ to margin traders on
Getting into video work, requires a workflow to be efficient. This is the current iteration of the workflow, which I’m sure will change over time.
The month of February and March this year have been quite slow for me in terms of outputting creative content. I’m taking about work outside
My search for the best way to work on my hobbies has taken me through many ways of doing things… Unfortunately, I’m still searching for
Recently bought a GTX 1060 3GB GPU to use with an HTC Vive for VR games. The GPU worked well with an AMD FX-8130 CPU
Learned a lesson recently which I thought I’d document for posterity. I have lots of ideas. We all have lots of ideas. Getting from idea
Feeling very… No focus this week. There are many projects that i want to work ok but it all feels overwhelming for some reason. Do