Going to put together a list of what I would need to build a quad rotor that can do some lifting. Quad built using motors
I’ve decided to use William’s tricopter controller boards for my own copter. Reasons being that I’m using 3 rotors, and that the code is written
After starting a few threads on RC Groups forums, and giving the design some thought, I’ve decided that the way I will be starting is
Very interesting thread. http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=567290
Excellent and lengthy article on the use of everything that is milling machine. : Read it here :
For the version 3.0 of the copter, I am planning on getting 3 sets of the HK-T250 CCPM Electric Helicopter Kit which are only $30
UPDATE 01Feb2010: Kinda thinking I should spend my money on a Arduino controlled copter, mainly since that’s the direction I will be heading into in
This project started a while ago for me (probably back in July 09), when I got my first Vivitar 285HV flash. By default, this flash
Wow, Who would have thought that I would be looking up advice on shoe repair! I really like my current shoes, but they developed a
3 x Rayovac NiMh in Steering wheel toy 3 x Eneloop in Big baby Tad 4 x Eneloop in Flash 3 x Duracell NiMh in