At the end of the thread, there’s a link to a whole bunch of hobby oscilloscopes! This PC based scope looks promising: New to
The site layout needs to change. For home-page: (the blog page will be another page) On top: Site title section: site title on left with
For the podcasts, categorize the podcasts. Ones that are purely music, and ones that provide some other content. Create a widget to display a list
I’ve decided on the details for the photo book. 81-120 pages seems reasonable. 35 bandsx2 pages per=70pages then 6-8 DJ pictures, + table of contents,
Friday night (night before Neurodance) I was putting together my camera bag. Discovered that with the AC3 on the Pocketwizard TT1, I would not be
mkdir /where/you/wantemcd /source/dir find * -type d -exec mkdir /where/you/wantem/\{\} \; source
I created a test web site on my VPS, and like before, the way I would get to it was . However this resulted
I love it when things are simple. To install IonCube loading in cPanel, run the following as root: # /scripts/phpextensionmgr install IonCubeLoader You can then