Trip Log, day 3 & 4 ; Pinery Provincial Park
Day 3
Made some pancakes this morning: half almond flour, half regular pancake mix and three eggs (instead of one). Protein rich! Added dried cranberries to some for some extra flavor. Topped breakfast of with some bacon and green tea.
Still overcast this morning with the sun peeking through the clouds from time to time. As the morning rolls into lunch time there is more blue sky and less cloud cover.

Helen went out for a relaxing massage in town and our neighbors are hinting at a trip to the boat rental house. Sounds like a great idea. Cash only at the boat rental as the power is still out since Sunday night. We get ourselves a canoe and a 2 person kayak.
Good exercise when paddling hard. J-stroke on the canoe has not been forgotten. Reminded me of the times gone by when I used to portage and camp. Ella is old enough now for such a trip. Reminder to self: set up a portage trip with H and E.
Paddled in a canoe for a bit then switched to the kayak as everyone wanted to try out the other boats. We were out on the water for about an hour. Very calm and peaceful.
White water lilies were everywhere so we took a trip through them.
It’s around 4pm and the power is back. To the showers we all go. It’s not uncomfortable to not have showered for days while camping especially when others are in the same situation, though it does feel nice to rinse off.
Took E for a bike ride around the campsite, but we didn’t get far. She was tired and we headed back.
How to make a fire:
Place increasing larger pieces of wood in the fire pit. Light it. Add even large pieces.
Stand back and enjoy.
Ok, there’s a little more to it, but that’s the just of it. 🙂
Day 4
Had a great night sleep last night. Woke up quite refreshed, possibly because I went to bed around 9pm last night.
Some eggs and yogurt was served (by me) for breakfast along with some fruit.
Morning was spent relaxing by the camp site. The sun is shining beautifully and not a cloud in the sky. What a beautiful day. The sun’s energy feels energizing when it’s not very hot already.
I take E on a bike trip around the site with the visitor center as the destination. After about 2.5km and were arrived. Along the way I explain to her how her new bike’s gears work, and when she should use each gear. Gear numbered 1 for going uphill and gear 5 for going fast.
Helen takes the kids into town for lunch and a treat.
I meditate in the sunshine with the russling of the leaves, singing of the birds, random kids screaming in the background and the odd car driving by.
In the afternoon we went the local beech. Sun is still beaming down and it feels great. The lake water is on the cold side. Peter says it warms up after you get in, but I have my doubts.
I took a bunch of photos there. I was experimenting with HDR.
The evening is upon us once again and the temperature is dropping quickly. After completing some more language lessons, I tend to the fire. Thoughts drift to nothing as the flames lick upwards.
Chopping wood feel therapeutic tonight. Only one thing on my mind; split one piece, then another, then another.